Soul Of Remedies By Rajan Sankaran Pdf Viewer

SANKARAN Rajan Introduction For a long time I hesitated to write a book on remedies because I am well aware of the dangers inherent in such an undertaking. In the first place, there is a strong possibility that the reader, especially if he is a beginner in the field, might become fixed on these remedy pictures. Soul Of Remedies By Rajan Sankaran Pdf Merge Rajan Sankaran, MD (Hom), FSHom (UK) is reputed to be a clear and original thinker and is best known for his path breaking concepts in Homoeopathy. The patients are totally irresolute and depend completely on someone else to take decisions for them. Soul Of Remedies By Rajan Sankaran Pdf Reader. Posted on by admin. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Read The Soul of Remedies book reviews & author details and more at Amazon. Rajan Sankaran has been practicing Homeopathy since The Soul of Remedies has 46 ratings and 2 reviews. G said: One of many books ( total of 7 i have read)writen by Sankaran that i truly cherish,a full spect. The Soul of (Homeopathic) Remedies Rajan Sankaran on.FREE.

Belladonna is a plant remedy of the acute miasm. The main feeling of a Belladonna person is of a sudden threat from outside from which he has to escape in order to survive.

The suddenness is one of the main characteristics of Belladonna. Everything comes in paroxysms with suddenness, and goes with equal suddenness. But while it lasts, there seems to be a very intense and life-threatening situation; the person is beside himself and wants to escape. Also, there is a certain degree of violence in his sensations and actions.

Belladonna can be quite cheerful. In fact, he can be dancing, laughing, singing and can have a generally light-hearted feeling and exuberance. But when the attack comes, he becomes crazy with fear and anxiety, with excitement, with throbbing of the carotids, palpitation of the heart and a feeling of imminent threat or danger.

One of the Belladonna patients that I had, disappeared from treatment suddenly and after months suddenly called me up from some part of the world and then disappeared for months again.

For Belladonna Dr. M.L.Sehgal points to the rubric: “Unconsciousness interrupted by screaming”. His interpretation is that the Belladonna patient remains unconscious of his problems and they come up suddenly to his consciousness and make him very excited.

The delusions, dreams and fears of Belladonna have to do with sudden threat, for example:

  • Delusion, bulls, of.
  • Fear, imaginary things, of.
  • Fear, animals, of.
  • Fear, impending death, of.
  • Delusion, gallows with fear of, vision of.

And he reacts with violence, impulse to set things on fire, attempts to escape and run away. There is a need to escape, to run away. There is a feeling that he will be pursued, killed. Therefore, he runs, escapes, rages.


The difference between Belladonna and Stramonium is that in Belladonna, the specific situation is like that of one who is about to be taken to the gallows, while in Stramonium it is like that of a person lost in a jungle. Stramonium looks for somebody to cling on to, seeking light and company, whereas the main action in Belladonna is reacting violently to save himself, e.g. desire to escape; rage.

Physical symptoms:

Among the main physical symptoms of Belladonna are:

  • Sudden paroxysmal pains that come suddenly and go suddenly.
  • Extremely sensitive to light, noise and jarring.
  • Desire for lemonade, lemon juice.
  • Pains are throbbing.


  • Ailments from fright
  • Beside oneself, being
  • Delusion, animals of, frightful.
  • Delusion, bulls, of
  • Delusion, dogs, sees
  • Delusion, murdered, he will be
  • Delusion, pursued by enemies
  • Escape, attempts to
  • Exuberance
  • Fear, gallows, of the
  • Fire, wants to set things on
  • Unconsciousness interrupted by shrieking
  • Deeds of violence, rage leading to
  • Fear alternating with rage


  • Involuntary urination during sleep; difficult to awaken from


  • Admonition aggravates
  • Direction of symptoms: increase and decrease suddenly

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Sankaran’s work, courses and lectures please visit:

To read about the philosophical approach to developing these remedy pictures, see Dr. Sankaran’s introduction to Soul of Remedies:


  • The Soul of Remedies: Stramonium Dr. Rajan Sankaran shares his remedy portrait of Stramonium....
  • The Soul of Remedies: Drosera septentrionalis Dr. Rajan Sankaran presents a portrait of Drosera from his book “Soul of Remedies”...
  • The Soul of Remedies – Aconitum napellus Dr. Rajan Sankaran presents his remedy picture of Aconitum nappelus. Excitability, restlessness, feeling of sudden threat and panic,along with alternate attacks of opposite states of humour characterize this remedy....
  • Getting to Know Three “Acute” Remedies: Aconite , Belladonna and Arsenicum Alb. Aconite, Belladonna, and Arsenicum Alb. materia medica and complete drug picture of homeopathy remedy Aconite, Belladonna, and Arsenicum Alb. Learn all the signs and symptoms of homeopathic Aconite, Belladonna, and Arsenicum Alb by Ajit Kulkarni. ...
  • Thuja is a strongly sycotic remedy. One of its main indications is the feeling of fragility, of being frail – a feeling of weakness within oneself. In my understanding, this is the sycotic feeling of having something wrong with oneself, of being weak; it is also found in Medorrhinum.

    I have often found this feeling of fragility in Thuja expressed in the physical sphere, where the patient feels that any article of food or drink is surely bound to cause him problems, and that his system cannot take things such as drugs, allergens, emotional stress or even a draught of air. He tries to avoid all these factors and attempts to keep himself covered from exposure to the same. These avoidances only reinforce the fear, and this vicious cycle goes on, making Thuja one of the main remedies for neurosis, with several obsessive-compulsive traits, fixed ideas and behaviour patterns.

    Soul Of Remedies By Rajan Sankaran Pdf Viewer

    I have found that patients in their follow-up often say that even a single dose (of the placebo) aggravated them so much that they had to stop it completely. On the other hand, some patients insist that unless they take the dose, all their complaints return, and they want to keep taking the doses every so often.

    In the emotional sphere, this feeling of fragility is manifest in the fear of losing face in society. The person believes that he has a certain image in society of being a religious, morally upright, clean, honest person, free from human failings such as dishonesty, sexual temptations (especially) when forbidden, etc. Thus he presents an elevated picture of himself and is afraid that any little slip on his part might reveal the real him or the bad part of him which he has tried so hard to cover up.

    In this “bad part” lies his dishonesty, sexual desires (which may even be for close relatives), his immoral or irreligious feelings. If this is discovered, he is going to fall down from his imagined elevated position and will be finished. Thus, his survival depends on a complete cover up, and there is a tremendous anxiety of being exposed. Translated into expressions the Thuja person is secretive and talks to the physician as if sharing a secret; he is conscious of the presence of other persons, especially strangers. In rubrics, you have the feeling of floating in the air (“Delusion, body lighter than air”) and dreams of falling from high places which represent his fear of falling from his elevated position.

    Thus Thuja seems to come from a situation of religious order in society or from any situation that demands rigidity in thinking, very fixed ideas. Theocracies, like those in the Middle East, would require this remedy. Also, many of the strict religious leaders, with rigid ideas about sin, often have many skeletons in their cupboards, and many times require Thuja. In fact, “Religious fanaticism” is one of the rubrics.

    In the physical sphere, you have stiffness, which is a manifestation of the fixity; the eruptions which occur on the covered parts (as if they don’t want to be seen); jerks from sleep as if falling from high places. I have also observed that many Thuja patients have corrugated nails, hair on the middle phalynx of fingers and on other unusual parts (for example the pinna of the ears), strong smelling sweat (especially about the genitals), fleshy pedunculated warts, moles. They sweat from the axillae, and the sweat may leave yellowish stains or a saltish sediment and it may be oily. They are chilly and like a hot bath.

    Thuja women can be very afraid of pregnancy, and often have the sensation of being pregnant, with associated feelings of guilt. These women can also be jealous, and may have fixed ideas that the husband is faithless. I have also observed that many Thuja people often exhibit a preference for the colour green.

    • Delusion, body is delicate.
    • Delusion, body is thin.
    • Delusion, body is brittle.
    • Delusion, that she is made of glass.
    • Insanity, will not be touched.
    • Fear, of others approaching him.
    • Fear, physician will not see him, he seems to terrify her.
    • Fear, of strangers.
    • Fanaticism.
    • Delusion, body is lighter than air.
    • Dreams, falling, height, from.
    • Monomania.
    • Vertigo, walking, sensation of gliding in air, as if feet did not touch the
    ground, while.
    • Back: injuries of spine.
    • Face: greasy.
    • Warts, on the face.
    • Warts, on the external throat/cervical region.
    • Corrugated nails.
    • Pain, rectum, while sitting.
    • Urethra: urine remained in, after urinating, as if some.
    • Perspiration, genitalia, sweetish odour.
    • Axilla: perspiration, frosty deposits (Kunzli).
    • Axilla: boils.
    • Back pain, standing erect almost impossible after sitting.
    • Skin, warts, pedunculated.
    • Aversion, to approach.
    • Brittle, broken feeling.
    • Fanaticism.
    • Hair all over the body.
    • Strangers, presence of, aggravates.

    Soul Of Remedies By Rajan Sankaran Pdf Viewer Download

    If you would like to learn more about Dr. Sankaran’s work, courses and lectures please visit:
    To read about the philosophical approach to developing these remedy pictures, see Dr. Sankaran’s introduction to Soul of Remedies:

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