Dbf Manager Full Portable

DBF Manager is a software utility which was developed in order to manage databases in a more efficient fashion. It supports import from TXT, CSV, XLS, XML and DBF files, while export is available. DBF View is a simple Windows App to view and edit DBase files. Data can be filtered easily and complex SQL queries can be run and exported. Table structure can be consulted. Full Portability With default configuration WinSCP still stores some temporary data on the file system of the host computer. You can configure WinSCP to be completely portable though, i.e. Make it store all its files and configuration in one place – for example, a portable USB drive.

What is a dbf file?

Dbf files contain file headers which describe the structure of the data in the file. A program that reads the file does not require prior knowledge of the data structure. Although there are more sophisticated database formats the .dbf file format, is still widely used in many applications needing a simple format to store structured data. There is a need for a compact dbf viewer and dbf editor that will cope with the rich functionality of these well-established dBase and XBase dbf file formats by offering rapid and reliable on-the-fly access to the data.

Enter DBF Manager!

This advanced DBF data management solution for all database users is packed with features normally found only in top end software. The built-in dbf editor of DBF Manager offers safe and secure access to the internals of the dBase dbf file format that is used by a variety of applications including Clipper, dBase, Visual FoxPro, dbf Foxpro, dbf cdx and Dbu. The wealth of highly sophisticated features includes comprehensive support for data structure modification. It also offers comprehensive data editing, data conversion and sophisticated search and replace features that are carefully tailored to suit the data type of interest. If, for example, the data type is date then a calendar display will pop up that offers convenient date editing features. If a memo display is appropriate for the data type it will automatically appear in an edit memo field. Common index searching combined with a high speed text search algorithm results in rapid data searches among any selection of database fields in your dbf files. DBF Manager supports filtered searches as well as searches within scopes. The dbf view search results can, of course, be printed out if this is required.

As well as dbf file data conversion and manipulation, DBF Manager offers a variety of data import/export formats. It will also encrypt and decrypt databases. This means that dbf conversion, for example from dbf to xls, is both quick and easy.

DBF Manager has a comprehensive set of tools to facilitate work on database indexing issues. For example, the intuitive index manager will perform real-time re-indexing as well as complete index rebuilds from an open dbf file It will also allow a wide variety of index file types to be opened, modified and viewed via the built-in dbf reader. The extensive index file manager feature set includes a print dbf structure feature.

The multi-document interface of DBF Manager is intuitive and the program is extremely flexible and configurable. No training is required and you can begin using it right out of the box. Try it now. Download the free trial version from here. We are sure that you will soon be convinced that this is the best compact solution for your individual or corporate database needs. When you purchase DBF Manager you can choose the most cost-effective license from our flexible, multi-tier, online ordering system and immediately receive your serial license code by email.

Dbf manager full portable gymDbf manager full portable home gym

Why choose DBF Manager?

DBF Manager puts you in control of your dbf files

You can use DBF Manager to work with DBase, Clipper, Foxpro, Visual Foxpro dbf file formats

Dbf Manager Full Portable Home Gym

DBF Manager is easy to use.

DBF Manager has enjoyable and intuitive user interfaces, that makes it easy to use by both novice users and computer professionals.

DBF Manager is suitable for dbf file structure management tasks

You can easy add, rename, and delete fields in your dbf files by using table structure designer

Open, view and modify .ndx, .cdx, .ntx, .mdx index files

The .cdx, .mdx, .ndx, .ntx index files contain and maintain pointers to records in the table (.dbf) file and is organized according to the index key values. An index file is separate from but associated with a .dbf file. So, you should open a .dbf file firstly and then associated index file(s) if needed.

Unlike .cdx/.mdx files that open automatically when the associated table is opened, you must open a .ndx/.ntx file explicitly using program's Index Manager dialog box (File->Index manager menu item).

Index files are only relevant for searching in the DBF - you really don't need them (i.e. you CAN read the .dbf data file without the index file). Removing the index file might break you application though.

Filter records using most of all Clipper/Foxpro functions

You can limit the records that you access to only the data you want by using temporary filter condition. You can set a separate filter for every open table.

DBF Manager can be used for generating powerful enterprise-level reports

Dbf Manager Full Portable Gym

The business customers can use the visual report designer (with a complete set of layout and design controls), to design highly formatted, interactive, and professional looking reports. Reports can be exported and repurposed to the electronic formats used by most end users (e.g. PDF and Excel).

DBF Manager can convert your dbf file data to popular file formats

You can export dbf file data to dbf, sql, csv, txt, xls, html file formats. Honey select mod.

DBF Manager can import data from widespread file formats

Use built-in import wizard for importing data from xls, txt, csv, xlsx, xml, dbf file formats.

Still not convinced?

Try DBF Manager yourself right now by downloading the free trial version. When you are convinced that it is the best solution for your individual or corporate database needs you can use our secure online ordering system and immediately receive your serial key by email.